Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Somatic Series with Soleil Hepner - ZOOM LINK

    1. Soleil Hepner Slideshow for Week 1

    2. Soleil Somatic Session - Set the Stage - Design Forms

    3. Somatic Series with Soleil course intro

    4. Somatic series week 1 lead up to and inc. Body Scan for dropping in

    5. Somatic Series week 1 contd MIND/BODY exercise

    6. Somatic Series week 1 MIND/BODY differences + PRESENTATION

    7. Somatic Series week 1 MIND/BODY Exercise end

    8. Somatic series week 1 SPACE presentation

    9. Somatic Series week 1 intake to dropping in DEMO

    10. Somatic Series week 1 - final feedback

    1. The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

    2. Week 2 powerpoint presentation pdf

    3. Somatic Series week 2 intro & practice

    4. week 2 practice feedback

    5. week 2 language questions

    6. week 2 pp presentation

    7. week 2 presentation contd

    8. week 2 presentation contd

    9. Week 2 presentation contd2

    10. week 2 breakout feedback END

    1. Week 3 Introduction, guided centering meditation

    2. Week 3 Breakout instructions

    3. WEEK 3 breakout feedback & integration

    4. Week 3 Presentation

    5. Week 3 Q&A with Soleil - session work

    1. Week 4 Intro - psycho eduction, vagus nerve

    2. Week 4 Intro - psycho eduction, vagus nerve feedback

    3. Week 4 Intro - psycho eduction powerpoint presentation

    4. Week 4 Demo

    5. Week 4 Q&A session work end


    2. Case study with parts - Soleil Hepner

About this course

  • £350.00
  • 34 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today